SALINE-BRECON FRIENDSHIP GUILD, LTD BOARD MEETING JANUARY 12, 2014 MINI MEETING FOLLOWING ANNUAL MEETING Present: D. Barnes, P. Ceo, P. Bunten, L. Crossey, Jim Roth, R. Amsler, Jim Low, B. Westlake, Absent: B. Hubbard, P. Lilley Guest: Glenna Lilley
Meeting called to order by D. Barnes.
BRECON TWINNING ASSOCIATION UPDATE –Information from Ian Gerrish and Val Jones is that they are stepping down in the leadership roles for the Brecon Twinning Association. No one in Brecon has volunteered to fill their positions. The books and the treasurer will be “open” for one year.
The SBFG Board will evaluate their role in light of the above situation. Jim Roth volunteered to contact the Brecon Mayor and/or Martin (Councilman) in an effort to obtain a Brecon contact.
BRECON NIGHT – APRIL 25, 2014. The future of Brecon Night was discussed. Considerations include: should the focus be fund raising, a social evening, and/or would it be continued. Paul Bunten indicated the American Legion Hall is already reserved for 2014. Needs for additional funds for the SBFG, Ltd. are not urgent. However costs need to be covered. Jim Roth indicated the SBFG, Ltd. could refocus focus beyond the twinning visits and moving forward. The group wished to discuss this in further detail at the regularly scheduled January Board Meeting.
OTHER ITEMS: Future of the Ruby Tuesday Give Back Program and Sustaining Membership. Focusing on publicity and attracting new members. Date change for the Monthly Board Meeting.
NEXT BOARD MEETING --- January 22, 2014 7 PM in the Primrose Kitchenette at Brecon. Respectfully submitted, Lucy Crossey Secretary