The Saline-Brecon Friendship Guild

Pub Night 2003

Friday, February 28, 2003 

Harriet Amsler and SBFG President Linda Duvall welcome Pub Nighters

The TBN (to be named) trio was great entertainment

Step right up to the Bar!

Welcome to your first Pub Night! Are you sure this is the currency exchange?
What am I bid for a Celtic Dinner catered by Pat and Sheila Little? Photographer and SBFG donor Doris Kraushaar explains her encounter with Welsh sheep
Mayor Gretchen Driskell learns the art of a Celtic walking stick Now this is where I want to go when we visit Brecon
Sheila Blough and Sandy Wingate Joan Roth visits with the Phillips and the Cogans 
Joan and Marion Lee Former Mayor Pat Little and former Mayor A.T. Bowley - both in profile
Bob Phillips and the TBN Trio Treasurer Rolf Amsler and President Linda Duvall count the proceeds

The Bowley Bust returned from a year of poetic good fortune in the custody of the Tull and Byers families. Note that the bronzed Arthur Bowley, M.B.E. now sports a miniature Mayoral chain of office.


The successful bidders for the Bowley Bust were Clay, Tracy, and daughter Elizabeth, Colson