The Saline-Brecon Friendship Guild

Happy St. David's Day!


Brecon Night in Saline 2009

(formerly "Pub Night')


Friday, February 28, 2009

Sheila Blough and perennial bartender Paul Bnnten enjoy a laugh while Linda Duval sells "pounds" for the drinks
The crowd enjoyed the music . . .
by Evan Chambers (fiddle), Susan Camino (accordion) and David Bowen (guitar) with the Celtic dancing of young Elaina Chambers
Don Shelton recounted the Shelton's year with the "Bowley Bust" and recalled the contributions of our late dear friend, former Brecon Mayor Arthur Bowley.
The delicious dinner was served by the Saline High School Culinary Department, led by Chef Samuel Musto. They topped it off with beautiful cakes.
Lois Wisely opted for the pink cake . . . and Lucy Crossey insisted that he second slice was for someone else!
David and Sheila Blough get ready to bid in the silent auction while Elizabeth Colson and Mom Tracy admire the traditional daffodils.
Jim Roth entertained with a slide show from the 2008 visit to Brecon.
Linda samples the beer graciously donated Ann Arbor Brewing Company, while co-host husband Bruce Westlake applauds.