Present: R. Amsler, P. Ceo, P. Bunten, P. Lilley

Absent: D. Barnes, L. Crossey, B. Hubbard, J. Low, J. Roth, B. Westlake

Guest: Joan Roth


Meeting called to order by P. Bunton  at 7:05pm.


BREACON TWINNING ASSOCIATION UPDATE—Paul received an e-mail dated January 10, 2014 from Ian Gerrish stating that the group met and it was voted on to disband the association.  They will get the financial books in order by the end of February and turn it over to the city council.  We discussed that the relationship of the twinning will still exist on paper.   Joan stated that the twinning started in 1966 and it was not until 1989 that our guild was formed.    We felt it important that we remain intact to support groups that may come over, such as the choir, students, etc.    What our “new” guild will look like still needs to be discussed by the entire group and voted on.   We will no longer need to do any fund raising at this time since we have sufficient funds. 


BRECON NIGHT: We will continue with this as a social event.  The date is April 25, 2014.   We discussed the menu: Black forest ham, roasted turkey, very cheesy potatoes, green beans with bacon and onions (southern style), cornbread casserole, dessert—cake/cookies and decaf coffee.   It was suggested to have a lettuce salad and some bread—rolls.   Paul will be talking with Bruce Finkbiner to firm up the menu and get a price.   We discussed to still have a 50/50 drawing and to auction off the jewels.    We will also have music (D. Barnes to arrange).  For this event, we want to just break even.  Paul will tell Bruce that we anticipate about 50 attendees.   We would like to have tickets purchased before the event but will need the flexibility to offer at the door sales.  Joan will as Jim if he would handle the tickets. 


MEETING DATES AND FREQUENCY:  It was discussed to meet quarterly and on an as needed basis.  As for the day of the week and the week of the month no decision was made since there was not a quorum for voting.   It was discussed to have the meetings on the third Wednesday of the month. 


OTHER ITEMS:  Joan informed the group that Tony Bell passed away.  No details as to the cause was known at this time.  We will send a sympathy card to Ian Gerrish or Val Jones and have them forward it to his family.


NEXT BOARD MEETING:  February 26, 2014 at 7pm in the Primrose Kitchenette at Brecon Village.


Respectfully submitted,

Pam Ceo

Secretary in the absence of Lucy Crossey